CA Design
OrCAD Design & OrCAD Layout

"Signature" OrCAD Layout Service
We are your Premium source of PCB design service. Companies who are looking for quality, intricately, hand routed, well crafted designs are the ones who have been with us through the years
CA Design cannot match your lowest quotes from your Offshore and Overseas bids. We are USA-based designers, local designers, OrCAD layout done here from start to finish. We set up your exclusive ftp site for added security of confidentialities for your boards.
We know OrCAD software inside and out and use it as primary tool. We don't do one board every other month in the tool. CA design uses OrCAD every single day."We know how to get OrCAD to do anything!"
We are your signature "OrCAD Layout service bureau" and we do not win the pricing bid war. CA Design is a PREMIUM BRAND of OrCAD PCB Design Service Bureau.
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