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Dudumuzi 6676 trading enterprise

Contact Details

Tel: (0)72 1135460
Fax: (0)86 6619517
Email: Email Dudumuzi 6676 trading enterprise

Street Address

505A Machache Street,Phiri,
South Africa

Postal Address

505A Machache Street,Phiri,
South Africa

Company Description

Dudumuzi Trading enterprise is a 100% black owned company It was established and registered on the 28/11/2008 by Duduzile Mazibuko and Vusumuzi Msibi. The company has the personnel with various skills to perform in all the field of services which it tenders for, it also has access to specialist and subcontractors in various skills when is required and it also endeavor to create employment to local residents in areas where all projects are taking place.

General trading and building
Distribution of stationary, office furniture and equipment
Cleaning, distribution of cleaning materials and chemicals
Roofing and Roof Sealing
Brick laying and plastering.
Home improvements e.g. renovations of houses, buildings.
Painting, paving, tiling and glazing
Gardening services
Tar patches

Products & Services

No Products & Services listed for Dudumuzi 6676 trading enterprise.

Brand Name Products

No brand name products listed for Dudumuzi 6676 trading enterprise.

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