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Optical Surfaces Ltd.

Optical Surfaces Ltd has been producing optical components, mounted optical components and systems for more than 50 years and is now accepted as one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high-precision optics and optical systems. The company’s ISO 9001-2008 approved manufacturing workshops and test facilities are deep underground in a series of tunnels excavated in solid chalk where temperature remains constant and vibration is practically non-existent. With such stable conditions testing, particularly with long path lengths, becomes quantifiable and reliable. Working with these natural advantages is a highly skilled team of craftsmen with a commitment to excellence in ...

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High precision dichroic beamsplitters for astronomical research.

Product News

High precision dichroic beamsplitters for astronomical research.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Dichroic beamsplitters from Optical Surfaces Ltd are commonly used as light guiding optics in telescope spectrographs and to enable multichannel CCD cameras to simultaneously acquire images in different colours. Beamsplitters operate by dividing an incident beam of light into two parts. One part is transmitted through the beamsplitter, the other

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Improving telescope vision with artificial guide stars

Company News

Improving telescope vision with artificial guide stars

Monday, July 22, 2024
Optical Surfaces Ltd report supply of fourteen 100mm diameter field selector mirrors and a 400mm diameter reference flat to TNO (Delft, Netherlands) for a Laser Launch System designed to improve telescope vision with artificial guide stars. Designed and built by ESO - the Very Large Telescope (VLT) and Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) are some of t

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Aspheric lenses for high power laser research

Product News

Aspheric lenses for high power laser research

Thursday, June 27, 2024
Optical Surfaces Ltd is a leading producer of large diameter aspheric lenses used as critical focusing optics in high-power laser research. Aspheric lenses provide a cost-effective way of reducing the number of optical elements in a focusing system thereby making them ideal for low f-number, high throughput laser applications. Beneficially also a

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