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New Installation of ELESTA composite BMS control system
Product News Monday, November 30, 2009: ELESTA UK building automation
Worcestershire based Clarkson Controls have recently completed the installation of a ELESTA composite BMS control system for the new Sikh temple at Leamington Spa.
The brand new building brings provides dedicated teaching areas in the lower basement area, together with a `tea kitchen`. The ground floor area hosts the reception area, Langar Hall and main kitchen. The first floor is dedicated to the main prayer hall with the second floor providing two further prayer halls.
The Langar Hall, Main Prayer Hall and the two smaller Prayer Halls have their environments controlled by the BMS, where the temperature and CO2 levels are constantly monitored and controlled, depending on the number of people populating the particular area. Building occupancy can vary from less than ten people to several thousand.
The four Staircases located on the building corners each have duplex auto- changeover supply fans and inverters controlled to maintain a set pressure within the stairwell, each of the dual mains powered dedicated control panels are linked into the main fire alarm system to provide a safe exit route out of the building in the event of fire.
The main motor control centre, located in the basement boiler plant-room provides control for the main boiler plant and domestic hot water system plant, and also the four comprehensive air handling units located on the roof, together with the main kitchen extract and Toilet extract systems.
The boiler plant is demand based and LPHW is circulated around the building to provide heat to the underfloor heating manifolds and to the heating coils for the air handling units.
Room temperature and return air CO2 duct sensors provide the necessary space conditions for the Elesta BMS system to control the AHU coils. An external temperature sensor, provides the required influence for the variable temperature control to the under floor heating manifolds. Summer/ Winter set points, core hours time control and frost protection is also provided. Clarkson C2 extension timers and occupancy level units are provided to each area for unscheduled plant operation. All plant is controlled in sequence to provide maximum energy savings.
The motor control panel containing the ELESTA RCO-D controller and interface modules are connected via IP addressable communications to the Clarkson BACnet web browser interface mounted within the control panel which allows for remote interrogation and changes to system parameters.