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Fab Water Engineering

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New Caprari E6 to E22 Inch Submersible Pump Range

New Caprari E6 to E22 Inch Submersible Pump Range

Product News Tuesday, May 25, 2010: Fab Water Engineering

Caprari has introduced an extension to the E6 to E22 inch submersible pump range. The range is also now available in cast 316 stainless steel pumps and 316ss motors (Duplex stainless steel for special applications). The pumps are available to powers of 375Kw. constantly improving the product range ensures that every pump is always the most efficient and reliable in its sector. The new E series has efficiencies of up to 82% for the complete Caprari pump and motor set. The cast stainless steel pumps will outlast any welded stainless steel pump by up to 10 times in the same conditions. The Endurance range can operate in Ph conditions from 3 to 12 with sand content of 150g per cubic meter. The E Endurance range of submersible pumps are the most advanced mixed flow pumps on the market today guaranteed.

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