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Mechanical Rotating Solutions
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Mechanical Rotating Solutions ensures significant downtime reduction on pump maintenance
Product News Friday, May 19, 2017: Mechanical Rotating Solutions
The removal of a suction pipe for pump maintenance or repair usually requires that either the flange bolts are manually removed, which is highly time consuming, or are removed utilizing a cutting torch which entails acquiring the necessary permits to conduct welding, flame cutting, soldering and similar operations in a plant. Not only does the needed paperwork and acquiring of the appropriate signatures for permits lead to increased downtime during a breakdown, having to transport the usually bulky equipment to site further contributes to a loss of productivity.
The multibillion rand brownfields thermal-coal project combines the resources from two adjacent coal suppliers for power generation purposes and therefore imperative that downtime is restricted to the absolute minimum.
Replacing the flanged fitting on the suction pipe with a 508mm STRAUB OPEN FLEX 2L pipe coupling has ensured that removing the suction pipe only takes 15 minutes removing a coupling that only requires two bolts to tighten and using hand tools only. This is a massive increase in productivity when compared to 20 to 30 bolts that have to be removed either individually by hand, or by using a cutting torch which may take up to two hours every time maintenance needs to be conducted.
Apart from the immense customer benefits of minimising downtime and ease of installation the STRAUB range of pipe couplings further offers a progressive sealing effect whereby when pressure in the pipe rises, the contact pressure on the sealing lips also increases due to the flow through the pressure equalisation channel. STRAUB pipe couplings are used in a wide variety of situations, industries and plants, such as: Construction, Water Supply, Waste Water, Industry/Mining, Shipbuilding/Offshore and Pipe Repair.
The unique STRAUB pipe coupling concept distributed by MRS is based on 50 years of experience and consistent further development at the STRAUB Plant in Switzerland. Comprehensive engineering competency and the proverbial Swiss precision work guarantee maximum quality and absolute reliability of permanent connections.