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Helipad Landing Lights
Product News Tuesday, October 1, 2019: Mimic Components CC
All Mimic AeroLED products are compliant with
ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) and CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) Regulations. ICAO Annex 14 Volume 1 & SACAA CATS 139.
Inset aviation landing lights give off a bright light. Available in colours white, red or green, all colours are highly visible and come with a few years of continuous maintenance-free operation. Installation of this light is made easier as a result of the all-in-one design features that stops water ingress into the lamp-holder, which happens with conventional helipad lights.
Elevated lights are used for helicopter landing zones and light aircraft runways for both edge and end lighting, (Red/Green) to indicate the taking off areas and landing areas either at night or during poor visibility daytime. They are also ideal in areas with high-water tables and poor drainage.
Single or Double obstruction lights can be used alone on the top of structures whose height is lower than 45m. Applications include High-rises, Buildings, High Chimneys, Marking Towers (Telecom, GSM, Microwave & TV), High Poles, Tower Cranes, and Wind Turbines. Structures that are higher than 45m, become obstructive or potentially hazardous to air traffic and require Medium-intensity or high-intensity obstruction lights with a steady or flashing red safety light.
For more information call Mimic Components on
Telephone: 011-689-5700 or email kevin@mimic.co.za