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Premier Hand-Wash Sounder - DAN 1 (Digital Audio Notifier)
Product News Monday, October 28, 2019: Mimic Components CC
Mimic Components launched the newly developed hand-wash reminder sounding device. The box is designed to help meet with the new South African health and safety regulations.
Model DAN 1
Feedback from some upmarket establishments confirmed that the buzzer can cause irritation to both guests and staff, in addition to destroying the environments ambiance.
Thus, we introduced our Digital Audio Notifier (DAN).This unit incorporates a small user input screen which allow selection of 5 different melodies as well as volume and time settings.
This has built in speaker and flashing light.
It is supplied pre-set to times as below, with an airport type tone (“ding-dong”),so can simply be mounted and switched on. Extra features included are as mentioned below.
It also has a standard audio output jack that allows for connection to speakers in the ceiling or to another sound system (adding external speakers disconnects the internal one) and an output for a ceiling-mounted light, (flashing or steady), which can be colour matched to any theme.
Instead of melodies other sounds can be used; e.g. seagulls, lions etc. DAN can also be used for any other timed repeated sounds or promotional messages (once set, DAN automatically repeats set sequences).
Typical operations
1) Every 30 minutes the sounder comes on for a short time with the light illuminating for a longer time. The purpose of the light is to act as an additional reminder for busy staff and to aid in complying with the latest hygiene regulations.
2) Operations can be modified or customised to suite.
3) Password protection can be added if necessary.
4) Housings for both units are IP65 rated so should not be affected by any normal kitchen washing activity.
For more information call Mimic Components Edwin Wakefield
Mobile: +27(0) 83-300-5959 | email edwinmimic@gmail.com