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Security Related Products -Mimic Components
Product News Monday, October 28, 2019: Mimic Components CC
Mimic Double-Door Security Booth Airlock Controller- Access control. The system locks or unlocks a set of doors so that only one door is ever opened at a time thereby reducing and controlling access. This is a basic 2-door airlock controller by ADDA systems. Applications – access control to restricted areas across all industries such as laboratories, hospitals, government buildings, security control rooms, panel rooms, banking, data centers and the likes.
Mimic Control Consoles & Desks- Custom design and manufacture for any area that requires a desk with a monitor but commonly used in access controlled control rooms. The Modular design allows for easy assembly/dis-assembly or future add-ons and the lightweight Aluminium frames allow for ease of transportation.
Mimic Mosaic Panels-Custom manufacture, unlimited in size. A precise layout of any given project, that requires both a visual and functional operating system.
Mimic Midi-Robot Controllers / Traffic Lights –Traffic controllers typically used in conjunction with boom-control, on mining sites, in dispatch areas, at docking bays and for other transport control movements.
Mimic Walking/Standing Man and Illuminated Cross Arrow – Illuminated Indication Plates for indoor/outdoor use as limited direction signal signs such as inward/exit signs on Security Booths, or pedestrian control as a Walking/Standing man sign (stop/go) at Traffic lights. The Large Cross Arrow sign is used typically for change of traffic lane direction or Turnstile and for illuminating Emergency Entrance/Exit access points.
Mimic Sirens- Indoor/outdoor warning lights and sirens with alarms sounders.
Mimic ADDA System Doorman and nurse Calls. -A security measure attached to doors with an alert/alarm when doors open or close. The monitored door has a built-in alarm signalling un-authorised access once a doors is either opened or closed. Also, nurse call alarms.
Floodlights & Solar Lights- Mimic’s range of LED floodlights for factory parameters and Solar lights with PIR as estate security lighting or open bay parking lots.
For more information call Tel: +27(0)11-689-5700 or email sales@mimic.co.za
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