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StrainSense Limited

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StrainSense Limited

The Old Barn
Woods Lane
NN12 7PT
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1908 543 038
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Accelerometer offering Micro-g resolution

Accelerometer offering Micro-g resolution

Product News Sunday, June 3, 2012: StrainSense Limited

The Model 4807A is an ultra low noise DC response accelerometer offering Micro-g resolution. The stainless steel accelerometer is sealed in a welded stainless steel package and offers an amplified signal conditioned output in ranges from ±2 to ±200g. The model 4807A incorporates a gas damped silicon MEMS sensing element that incorporates mechanical overload stops for shock protection to 5,000g and a wide bandwidth from DC to 1500Hz. Applications include transportation testing, low frequency monitoring, flight testing, machine control and structural monitoring.

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