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Comer Industries
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United States of America
Tel: +1 704 588-8400
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Comer Industries at Windpower USA
Company News Wednesday, June 27, 2012: Comer Industries
Comer Industries' products for the wind sector will be on show at Windpower 2012, the wind energy exhibition to be staged at the Georgia World Congress Center of Atlanta (Georgia), USA, from June 3 - 6 (Hall B, stand 5445). Organized by American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), with large amount of visitors and over 1,000 exibiting companies, WINDPOWER is the only annual event reserved to wind energy industry in the United States.
Comer Industries will dispaly its innovative solutions for the wind sector, in particular the PG 1904 LFP, PG 4205 LFPE Yaw drive transmissions and the new PG 1603 DSP; on show also the PGA 703 LFPE Pitch drive.
Thanks to sound technical skills and strong partnership experience with major wind generator manufacturers, Comer Industries designs, produces and sells integrated Yaw & Pitch systems, in particular for the multi MegaWatt (MW) class of latest-generation turbines. The entire design and production processes are managed according to Lean 6 Sigma methodology for product and process excellence.