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Vortex Expands Product Line
Company News Monday, October 1, 2012: Vortex
The characteristics of dry solids are endless. Matching the right valve to material characteristics and application parameters is essential for successful processing. Vortex has been providing valves for pneumatic and gravity flow conveying for over 35 years. Vortex Quantum Series slide gates and diverters are the valves our customers have been using for decades. It’s our traditional line of valves for dry bulk processing and conveying. This series covers pneumatic conveying and gravity flow conveying systems. Over time, our customers continually needed valves for handling heavy-duty materials like coal, potash, and frac sand. By utilizing our staff of over 14 engineers, we were able to meet this demand through an engineered solution. The customers presented their applications and the difficulties they were having, and Vortex developed a dry bulk handling solution. Sometime drastic modifications were made to an existing product and sometimes we started with a blank sheet of white paper. At the end of the day, Vortex provided a solution.
The increase inquiries for valves handling heavy-duty dry bulk moved us in the direction to develop a specific valves line to address this need. The NEW Titan Series is Vortex’s solution for valves handling heavy-duty and abrasive dry bulk materials. The valves are mainly built of carbon steel and offer optional replaceable abrasion resistant liners to extend the life of the valve.
The initial launch of the Titan Series will include four valves: Aggregate Gate™, Aggregate Diverter™, TSG™ Valve, TLD™ Valve. Additional Titan Series valves by Vortex are in development with another valve to be launch during the end of 2012.
Engineered Solutions have always been a part of Vortex. There is no such thing as an “off-the-shelf” commodity valve for handling dry bulk solids. There are times we can take one of our standard valves and make some minor modifications to fit the application. There are also times when the only thing left standard on the valve is the Vortex sticker.
We rarely decline a customer’s challenge when it comes to a dry bulk material handling application. Nevertheless, the same level of customer service and warranty apply to our engineered solutions as with our Quantum and Titan series valves.
Materials Handled by Vortex Titan Series Valves:
Fly Ash
Frac Sand
Glass Cull
Metal Powders
Portland Cement